Welcome World!

When I was looking at tutorials for using WordPress, the default “Hello World!” page was very plain with just a blue background. It seemed so isolated, and of course, it is so isolated. A blog with no readers so far.

My first thought was the old question, “If a tree falls in the woods with no one to hear it, does it make a sound?” With billions of blogs in the blogosphere, will anyone read mine?

I also seem to remember hearing about lone Japanese soldiers living in caves on isolated Pacific islands still fighting the Second World War long after that war had ended. Were there old, lone Confederates still fighting the War against Yankee Aggression well after 1865?

The new theme is much warmer. It shows a person walking along a deserted country lane in beautiful autumn. Another old saying: “A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”

I’m ready to put my message is in the bottle; I’m going to toss it into the sea. But first a toast – “Here’s to that first step!”

Welcome all!

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