peace is the word

Young American crushing rebellion and sedition ( [Philadelphia] : Published by William Sartain, 728 Sansom St., Phila., c1864; LOC:  LC-USZ62-90673)

reasoning madly? “Young American crushing rebellion and sedition”

Back in January New York Democrat Representative Fernando Wood gave a speech in the U.S. House of Representatives in which he advocated an immediate peace. He criticized both Republicans and Southerners for being in favor of dissolution. ” Those who favored the war favored disunion. Peace is the only hope of restoration.” Here a Democrat newspaper in upstate New York seems to be echoing Mr. Wood’s words.

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in February 1864:

War is Disunion.

War is disunion – the destroyer of every element out of which Union can by any possibility be created – and they who reason that war is the way to peace and union, reason madly, reason like the insane man. And as to subjugation restoring the Union, the idea is not only false, but exceedingly vicious. The Union never can be restored, except by peace. The Abolitionists may talk war, sing war, pray war, and their President may call into the field five times five hundred thousand men, and yet all will ere long be compelled to admit that there is no way to the restoration of the Union except by peace.

We would stop this war at once; we would propose terms of peace, or agree to leave it to some disinterested power; would move heaven and earth to put a stop to the shedding of any more blood; and would dry up the fountains of woe, desolation and misery now overflowing our once happy and peaceful country. “Blessed are the Peacemakers.”

You can rad about “Young America” at the Library of Congress.

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