more rebel defiance

Another home remedy? – for the uncommon cold?

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch February 11, 1865:

A medical opinion.

–Hall’s Journal of Health, which claims to be high authority in medical science, has taken a stand against married people sleeping together, but thinks they had better sleep in adjoining rooms. It says that Kings and Queens do not sleep together, and why should other people? Think of the idea of separating a married couple on a cold winter’s night because Hall’s Journal of Health says so! You go to grass, Mr. Hall.

I’ve heard that medical authorities nowadays think going to the grass could be a good thing.


150 years ago today Abraham turned 56 years old.


Bronze statue of Abraham Lincoln at Lincoln's Summer Home, Washington, D.C. (Carol Highsmith 2009)

The image of baby Lincoln’s home is from wpclipart. Carol M. Highsmith’s January 27, 2009 photo of Lincoln’s summer home is from the Library of Congress.

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