No Saloons In Sight

1863 - Bealeton, Va. Sutler's tent at Army of the Potomac headquarters

1863 - Bealeton, Va. Sutler's tent at Army of the Potomac headquarters

Sorry About That, Allen

From Cayuga In The Field by Henry Hall and James Hall:

June 18th [1861], a very important event occured. The Pay Master arrived to pay off the men. Privates received $5.50 a piece. Nothing creates more excitement in camp than the coming of the Pay Master. When paid off, the men first lay something aside to send home, and then rush for the tent of the camp sutler where goodies, tobacco and luxuries of every description are eagerly bought, and outstanding accounts are squared up. The commanding officers in Camp Cayuga made no objection to the men indulging in these luxuries if they chose to. They only required that the men abstain from beer and wine. Rules against intoxication and liquor selling were strict. Col. Clark, in orders, prohibited them positively. A vigorous attempt was made to enforce the rule, and once, when Capt. Kennedy was Officer of the Day, that officer caused the camp sutler’s shanty to be torn down for violating it Unfortunately, these practices could not be and never were entirely broken up.

The 19th sure isn’t afraid to take direct action. If they get a bad meal, they attack the cook house. Here they tear down the sutler’s shanty for violating Colonel Clark’s prohibition rules.

Sutler's cart at Bailey's Crossroads 1861

Sutler's cart at Bailey's Crossroads 1861 (LOC - LC-DIG-ppmsca-21475)

1862 sutler's store

1862 sutler's store at Harper's Ferry (LOC - LC-USZ62-85175)

Sutler's Tent 1862

Good Luck with Prohibition, Colonel Clark (Sutler's tent 1862 LOC - LC-DIG-ppmsca-20779)

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