Richmond Racket

View of Richmond from the church hill (Published and sold by Casimir Bohn, c1851; LOC: LC-DIG-pga-02597)

Beware the low dens of the substitution racket

Arrest a substitute because he’s probably a deserter, and shoot a few to cut down on the nefarious practice. Well, I guess that would be an advantage of martial law.

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch June 20, 1862:

The substitute Swindle.

For sometime past persons representing themselves either as Baltimoreans or members of the 1st Virginia regiment, have been through the army trying to sell themselves as substitutes. In several cases these swindlers have succeeded in accomplishing their object, and have received money from their too willing dupes, deserting as soon as it was safely in their pockets. We doubt if one of these men ever belonged to the First Virginia. We doubt if they are anything but the veriest scoundrels and knaves — men who have deserted time and time again, and who make a business of this nefarious practices. These men also have accomplices in this city in those who advertise so extensively to furnish substitutes “at a reasonable price, ” who not only assist them in their swindling tricks, but swear to their character and shelter them in their low dens when they have deserted. After a short time they are again brought out and sold over to other parties. Within a day or two we have heard of at least a down [dozen?]  of these rascals who have been offered at different points in the army. Two came to an Alabama regiment, and were purchased for $1,700, six hundred of this going to the man who procured them. Two days afterwards both men were missing. This evil has become so great that it should be immediately attended to, and some of the base follows summarily dealt with. There are two ways to put an end to the pernicious practice, In the first place, every man who offers to sell himself as a substitute should be looked upon with suspicion, and be arrested on the spot as a deserter, which in nine cases out of ten he will prove to be. Secondly, a few of them should be court-martialed and formally shot. After what has transpired, and the frequent warning given by the press, it would be the height of folly for any soldier to throw his money away upon these infamous scoundrels.

Substitution was also a phenomenon in the North:

Scene, Fifth Avenue (Harper's Weekly August 30, 1862; LOC: LC-USZ62-127606)

Patriotic Northern Belle?

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