‘Lincoln rheumatism’ stirs hearts

James Walter Wall

arm in a sling

In January 1863 the New Jersey legislature had to elect someone to serve out a U.S. senator’s term that would end in March of that year. One of the contenders was Democrat James Walter Wall, who had been locked up in Fort Lafayette for several weeks because of his involvement with the pro-Southern, pro-peace New York Daily News (not the same as today’s paper). Apparently, when Mr. Wall showed up in Trenton visibly effected by his captivity in the “American Bastille”, legislative hearts were moved and his election was secured.

Since Republicans are Abolitionists, “Mulatto Democrats” was a Democrat label for New Jersey Democrats who weren’t strongly enough opposed to the Lincoln administration.

One of the delegates presented a petition stating concerns about an influx of emancipated slaves into the state.

Here’s a report from Trenton via the Confederate capital.

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch January 24, 1863:

The New Je[rsey] Senatorial Election.

From the Trenton correspondence (January 14) of the New York Herald, we copy the following:

The nomination of Colonel Wall as United States Senator for the short term, has changed the whole programme for the long term. He was a candidate for that and not for the short term. But his friends began to doubt their ability to carry him against the combination and perfect organization of the other candidates. Mr. Wall himself had taken no pains to secure his nomination. He had said that his friends were at liberty to use his name for the six-year term, but that he should make no personal exertions to obtain it. His health has been very much impaired by confinement in Fort Lafayette, so much so that until yesterday he had not been out of his own house but a few times in three months. On Monday afternoon he was telegraphed from this city to know if he would accept the short term. His answer was short and characteristic–“No, never.” Yesterday his friends were telegraphing him all day that he “must accept,” and be sending back the uniform answer to every dispatch, “I will not under any circumstances.” Finding his friends were determined to use his name before the caucus last evening, he came up on a late train in the afternoon to personally forbid it. But his presence only added enthusiasm to the determination of his friends. His pale visage, with his left arm in a sling — his arm having been paralyzed with [rheuma?]tism almost over since he came out of Fort Lafayette–did the business both for himself and all the other candidates. He was still inexecrable that he would not have the short term. His friends were equally resolved that he should. A member of the Legislature who had been pledged to another candidate, on seeing Col. Wall in this condition, exclaimed, “Yes, by–, we will send him down to the United States Senate with that Lincoln rheumatism in a sling, where the necks of the infernal tyrants and scoundrels ought to be.”–This brought out the wildest demonstrations from the crowd. Still Wall was protesting, in language rather strong, that he would not have the short term, and kept up his protest until he was so entirely exhausted that he had to retire and go to bed at a private house before the hour for the caucus had arrived.

The friends of Gen. Cook–the most prominent candidate for the short term — were taken entirely by surprise by the of presenting Wall as his competition. Gen. Cook is the Chief Engineer of the Camden and Amboy Railroad, and is personally a gentleman of no inconsiderable popularity in this State. Had he not been considered a little too much of a war Democrat, he would probably have received the nomination for the short term unanimously.

They have a new name here for those Democrats who are still inclined to be a little merciful to Mr. Lincoln’s Administration, which is “Mulatto Democrats.” This decided hit originated with Mr. Lilly, of Lambertsville, late United States Consul to Calcutta. But there are not probably half a dozen Democrats of that complexion in the Legislature.

Dr. Stilley, Senator from Atlantic county, presented the following petition this morning, numerously signed by his constituents:

“In view of the large influx of the colored race among us, and their probably increasing migration into free States, caused by the emancipation policy of the present Administration, we, the undersigned, citizens of the First Congressional District, respectfully represent to your honorable bodies that the presence in our midst of this unprofitable and demoralizing class of people tends greatly to our injury, filling our aims-houses and jails, hindering our Courts, increasing our taxes, (already oppressive,) and reducing the wages of our working classes.” The same petition was presented in the lower House. There will be a bushel of such before the session is over.

Half-past 3 o’clock.

On joint ballot Colonel Wall has been elected by vote of 53 to 25, all of the Democratic members voting for him. The Abolitionists — what there are in both Houses — literally gnash their teeth. A member of the lower House from Camden, in a few bitter remarks, denounced him as “a Union patriot of the Confederate States.” The remark awakened hisses from the crowd of spectators, and one voice exclaimed, “O, you are only Forney’s dog. “–Not much of interest will transpire here until next Tuesday, when the Governor elect will be inaugurated.

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