“undermining Petersburg”

Rich-Pete 1864 (Boston, [Mass.] : J.H. Bufford, [1864] ; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/001-ocm19089315/)

“all is quiet along the lines”

A Southern correspondent reported that Grant was going to be leaving Petersburg any time soon; if he dug tunnels for mines at Vicksburg, you could expect the same in his latest siege. Price controls were making it impossible for First Lieutenants in the Army of Northern Virginia to keep a (paid) servant.

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch July 23, 1864:

The War news.

Yesterday passed unrippled by a rumor. At Petersburg, also, all was quiet, though there had been some shelling Thursday night, which did no damage. A letter from our army correspondent shows that all is quiet along the lines:

[from our own correspondent.]

Petersburg, July 21, 1864.

I have not written you for upwards of a week, simply because I had nothing worth recording. There is no change in the situation, the conformation of the lines of the two armies being identically in every respect as they were on the first day of this month. The question very naturally arises as to what Grant it doing. This is more than I can tell you. My impression, however, is that Grant is just now without any plan or definite ideas in regard to the future. The presence of a “Confederate force” in front of Washington has doubtless, to a large degree, interfered with his original designs, and for the present he is without any definite plan of campaign. The impression in unofficial circles is that he is busy with the shovel and the pick with a view of undermining Petersburg, as he was about to do at Vicksburg. This, however, is purely speculative. It is, however, by no means impossible, but on the contrary is quite probable.

Siege of Petersburg (by Alfred R. Waud, July 1864; LOC: LC-DIG-ppmsca-21048 )

Petersburg’s besiegers July 1864

One fact, however, is quite well established, and that is, that Grant does not mean to “give it up so.” He has no idea, none the most distant, of abandoning this line until forced to do so by inexorable necessity. At present he is busily strengthening his works and mounting new (and some of them very heavy) guns. The shelling of the city meantime continues — sometimes very slightly, and then again with considerable fury. It is, however, consoling to know that thus far but little comparative damage has been done to life, limb or property.

The new schedule of prices adopted by the Virginia Commissioners is generally — indeed, I might say universally — regarded by the army as ruinous to the cause. On all hands there is a demand that it shall be rescinded. It is not believed that the good people of this State, who have given so many and repeated proofs of patriotism and self-sacrifice, will make necessary a scheme for their own aggrandizement which must result in the utter and entire depreciation and repudiation of the currency of the country. High prices swell the volume of the currency, which in the ratio of inflation is the measure of its depreciation. It is objected to in the army because many first lieutenants find it necessary to keep a servant. Their pay is $90 per month; whilst the east [cost?] of a ration to feed the servant on is just $95 by the new schedule, or $4 more per month than his pay.

The news of the removal of Gen. Johnston and the appointment of Gen. Hood to the command of the Western army created great surprise and considerable comment. There is great contrariety of opinion on the question.

The refreshing shower of Tuesday refreshed both animal and vegetable life, and made everything wear a new aspect.

The soldiers are being well fed, and the animals are still getting bountiful supplies of forage. In a word, the situation in this army never was more hopeful, and I can truly sound the sentinel’s “All well.” X. …

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